What is Botox?


Should be part of your beauty routine

Beautifully restore a youthful, vibrant glow 

Many patients in Colorado Springs understand what Botox can accomplish, but they aren’t quite sure exactly what Botox is. Not to worry, Botox is an easy product to understand. It is a version of botulinum toxin that has been purified and modified for cosmetic uses. Botox is a neuromodulator, or compound, that causes the underlying facial muscles to relax, thus reducing and even preventing wrinkles. In addition to reversing the signs of aging, we offer Botox for migraine headaches, TMJ, underarm sweating, and a variety of other medical issues such as under arm perspiration and incontinence.

Who makes the
best Botox candidate?

The typical age range for undergoing our Botox in Colorado Springs is 18-65. Almost anyone who is frustrated with wrinkles and lines that make them look older than they feel may benefit from the positive effects of Botox, provided they are in good mental and physical health, and that they have realistic expectations for what Botox can accomplish. Many patients in Colorado Springs are interested in Botox because it can work in a preventative manner, helping to mitigate the signs of aging before they become apparent to the eye.

The beauty of Botox treatments is that there is virtually no downtime! Patients can come into the office over their lunch break and get right back to work afterwards. The injection time is about 10-15 minutes, with the next 15 minutes needed for any minor redness to subside. You should be careful not to rub or irritate the injection site, and also be sure to remain rest of the day, refraining from lying down for 4 hours. Strenuous exercise, lifting, swimming or spa visits should be suspended for 24 hours.

Will I need any downtime
or recovery with Botox?

What are the
benefits of Botox?

Quick treatment time, in and out
Works quickly and efficiently
Helps roll back the clock on aging
A more approachable, inviting appearance
Improves self-confidence
Non-invasive and non-surgical
High rate of patient satisfaction

What issues can botox treat?

Aging skin
Crow’s feet
Sagging skin
Wrinkles and lines
Forehead furrows
Uneven Brows
Heavy Lids
Gummy Smile
Square Jaw
Excessive Sweating

Botox for Migraines?

The answer is yes! Many patients in Colorado Springs, Colorado suffer from debilitating migraine headaches and have heard good things about using Botox to treat them. Well, the rumors are true! Botox is an excellent solution for troublesome migraine headaches that interfere with normal functioning, inhibit proper sleep, and cause undue discomfort. If you experience migraine headaches more than 15 days per month, Botox may be the solution you’ve been seeking.

Botox is injected into the nerve fibers that are responsible for sending pain signals to the brain. Once the pain chemicals are blocked, headaches become obsolete. Botox stops painful headaches before they even start. In about three sessions, patients experience significant improvements, with results lasting 10-12 weeks at a time. Clinical studies have shown that Botox can reduce headache days by as much as 50%. 

Botox for TMJ?

The TMJ, or temporomandibular joint, is located on each side of the jaw and connects the jawbone to the skull. It facilitates most jaw-related movements, including chewing, talking and swallowing. TMJ disorder is a condition wherein these joints get displaced or sustain significant damage due to consistent teeth grinding or  injuries. This leads to jaw tension, jaw pains, earaches and other problems.

BOTOX is one of the most popular and effective treatments for TMJ disorder. When injected into the facial muscles responsible for the soreness and jaw pain, Botox relieves jaw tension, eliminating jaw pain. It prevents the muscles from engaging in strenuous or powerful movements, which are otherwise often done with no conscious awareness.
Besides treating jaw pains, Botox also relieves the headaches, earaches, teeth grinding and other conditions associated with TMJ disorders.

BOTOX treatment is quick and straightforward and is done as an outpatient procedure in our office without any downtime. Botox only relaxes specifically-targeted areas, so it has to be carefully administered in the relevant jaw muscles responsible for TMJ pain. The procedure’s total duration depends on the number of injections necessary, but it usually concludes within 30 minutes. Patients may notice significant improvements within 2 days, with the final results seen in 7 days.

At TFP Aesthetics, our treatment goal of injectable Botox use is to highlight our Colorado Springs patients features, slow down the wrinkle process and give you a youthful, natural glow that is you, only better. Our staff, will review your skin concerns, facial anatomy and appearance goals and make recommendations which will best enhance your own natural beauty.

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